
Showing posts from April, 2017
Stay Focused on following 10 Tips. These points will help you to improve your interview and chance to get a call from company. These are the points where you can prepare easily. Just go through these 10 points to make interview good and impressive. 1.Be prepared  Read your CV And the job advertisement just before going to Interview. Have a look at the company website. so that you know well about that organization. You may ask about salary so be prepared that too. 2. Remember the first impression Is the last Greet your interviewer with a smile. Give eye contact. Try to make small talk with the interviewer.              3. Be Positive        Your interviewer will be thinking what kind of person you are. What it would be like to work with you. they like to see someone who enjoys challenges.  4. Know well about the organization You must have a knowledge about the organization what they do...